I hope that this helps someone. I hope that someone will read this and think twice about what I'm about to write. I hope that someone will ingest these words and modify their perspective on their actions and beliefs. Walk with me....... 1. If a woman is interested in you, unless she's uncomfortable (or another reason I can't imagine so I won't attempt to articulate right now but will acknowledge that it exists), she will let you know. If you're unaware of the signals a woman can and will give off, study women more, talk to them, and/or read a book. 2. Women will make eye contact with you for a few reasons. One of those reasons is she's interested. That is NOT the only reason. Don't assume it's the only reason. 3. Women will smile at you for a few different reasons. One of those reasons is she's interested. That is NOT the only reason. Don't assume it's the only reason. 4. Following behind a woman who already indicated (verbally or no...