
Showing posts from October, 2012

To vote (with guilt) or not to vote (with shame)

I guess I'll take advantage of this "feeling" I have and use it to express some of my discontent with what's going on in my immediate world right now. I've expressed before and will again here that I have a serious issue with people telling people to vote and ending their statement and walking away. People don't care WHAT people are voting for or for WHOM for that matter as long as they exercise this *insert sarcasm* right *end sarcasm* I'm a cynic when it comes to the political process. Part of the reason why is because I feel like people don't take voting as seriously as they claim they do.....but turn around and judge people who choose not to vote at all. Ask the average voting citizen where the candidates stand on any important issue and I wonder if they can tell you. Ask the average voting citizen who the independent candidates running for office are and I'm almost sure they cannot tell you....HELL, some of them are unaware of the fact that ...

When did being an asshole become cute for me?

I've been getting all kinds of reminders and lessons lately. The most recent lessons are about feelings of entitlement and the illusion of need. The most recent reminder was that I need to chill and cultivate my anger appropriately. While I was steady on my path down the yellow brick E.Volution road, I looked down and noticed that my shoes were shitty. I looked back on the path that I'd been traveling recently and saw that I've been leaving a trail of shitty footprints behind me. I started wondering to myself how long it's been since I assessed how close I am to being a whole person. And while I don't expect to be a perfect person, I do expect to accentuate my positive qualities and do what I can to diminish or remove my negative ones. And if I can't diminish or remove them, I'll at least learn to manage them so that I don't look up and realize I've been being an asshole. I had a conversation with a friend of mine earlier this week. Someone close...

Les Nubians - Liberté - Track of the week
