What I'm finished with on this Summer Solstice
I'm not here for relationships that are not authentic anymore. I have no intention on showing up for them and I have no interest in maintaining them. The month of June has, so far, granted me the opportunity to test the waters of authenticity in some of my connections. For this I am thankful. People have presented to me in what looked like very sincere ways but my intention knows otherwise. My inner self is aware of ulterior motives and the lack of authenticity at all times. My issue was that I chose to ignore what I knew deep inside. And all I did was postpone the inevitable. So what I'm learning about (and have been learning about) is prevention and forgiveness. And what I'm learning is that I don't have to practice forgiveness if I practice prevention. I'm also learning about blessing people away. I used to disconnect with a lot of malice and ill-will towards people. I realized that it's very harmful for myself and their energy to do this. I can be mad beca...