
Showing posts from September, 2013

That awkward moment when you realize that you're WAY more negative than you claimed you weren't

Moments I realized I was a Debbie Downer and a Negative Nancy 1. Whenever anyone talked to me about a plan they had that I just couldn't see being brought to fruition I called myself playing the devil's advocate but the fact of the matter is, it's not my job to critique your plan of action unless you ask me to. You just wanted me to listen right? So I'll listen and keep my commentary to myself. I can't see and know everything and it's not my job to. THE END

One step toward.......

Think in terms of abundance they say. Practice focusing on what you do want they say. Abundance is all around. Lack does not exist. I have everything I need at my disposable. All I have to do is be willing to see it. I have to believe I deserve it. I have to. My livelihood depends on it. And I can do this from a place of love and not fear. It’s a challenge…but in a good way. It’s a challenge to manifest the life that I want. There is no losing in that. There’s only winning. It’s time to go inward to rebuild. It’s time to tear down old belief systems. Do something different today. I can do that. One step toward it. Two steps towards me. That’s how it works right? I make an effort and believe and I start to get the life I want.     Can’t is so limiting. So I’m sitting here listening to Carolyn Malachi’s new project Gold. The song Beautiful Dreamer caused me to pause to listen. I heard the song before. I even had the pleasure of watching her performing it live. But...