
Showing posts from August, 2015

Things I need to get ready for.........

Just in case you were wondering, I've made a conscious decision to get clear about how I feel about black people, blackness, and all the things that are involved with falling in love with those things. One of the manifestations of that is that movement called Black Money Matters Project . One of the purposes of the project is to encourage black people in America to spend their money wisely with people who either look like them and/or businesses that are in line with their personal belief system and philosophies about life. Something has been in the back of my mind since this second level of black love manifested within the depths of my soul. It's THE RACISTS ARE COMING! THE FRAIDY CATS ARE COMING! THE COONS ARE COMING! I'm readying myself for the people who are going to start falling out of the woodwork with absurdities like: You're a racist. You hate white people You believe in dividing humanity Why you always gotta talk about black stuff Why are you always p...