I was a very different person before 2009. I used to describe her as "ugly". Her behavior was ugly. Her thoughts were misguided. She was in a lot of pain. She knew it, but she didn't really know how she was being affected by the pain. My behavior wasn't anything that I recognize today as healthy. Her spirit tried to remember that it was good though. From 2009 - 2012, I was extremely aware of my own toxicity and knew that I had to heal it and deal with it and reduce it but never forget that she existed. Anybody who knew me then and still "knows" me today, knows that I am as different as I can be. Anybody who knew me then and doesn't know me today doesn't know the amount of work that I did and continue to do to to make sure that I heal all of the pain energy that was shared with me and that I shared with the world. I work hard to look at my life, my personhood, and my energy so that I can be clear about what I'm sharing with the world. It's ...