Your intuition doesn't fail you. You usually fail it.
I've watched several intimate connections disconnect in many ways over the last week or so. One of them was mine. Something shifted. Something's in the water. Something's in the air. WHATEVER. One of the things that I realized was that I didn't pay attention to my intuition. Fifteen years ago, if I didn't pay attention to my intuition, I ignored the fact that I didn't pay attention to it and blamed him for being who he was. Today, I realize that the longer I ignore that NAGGING THOUGHT that this person isn't the right person for me, the longer I delay the inevitable. The more I ignore the warning signs, the more I open myself to someone else's foolishness. Some people will take advantage if you let them. Some people will walk through an opened door....even if the sign on the door reads "If you walk through this you will hurt my feelings". They'll walk through the door if they believe that there's something on the other side of the door ...