
Showing posts from May, 2014

I'd just punch her in the face myself........

You know how you co-sign a man beating a woman to a pulp because she started some shit with him and....HOLD UP! In 2014, a significant part of our collective consciousness believes it's ok for a man to hit, beat, punch, kick, choke, and do everything else except restrain and then walk away from a woman if she provokes him enough. That provocation could be words, it could be violence, or it could be anything else that they believe warrants violent retaliation. "She's getting what was coming to her. A man can only take so much before he hits her back." Let me have an honesty moment. I have a problem keeping my hands to myself. I've hit, punched, thrown things at, and attempted to hurt some men in my life. I have a very difficult time containing and resolving my anger. It's quick. To do my part, I've taken steps to help myself. I admit this out loud to say that as a woman with a problem, I know that it's NEVER ok for me to hit someone. I know this befor...

Brick by Brick I accept you

While I'm sitting here listening to AbRock - When I Say freestyle   , I'm reflecting on one of the biggest lessons I've been struggling with in my life. I've been a control freak since I was a child. I've been a liar, manipulator, the nice one, the supportive one, and the leader in various stages in my life. And it's all been to either subtly or overly attempt to control outcomes. As a parent, I exercised my control freakness to the infinity degree. I'm glad my children survived. I'm glad they thrived. I thought it was my duty and my responsibility to control who they turned out to be. Nurturing them? Yeah, I nurtured them telling them what to do and how to do it. It wasn't until they were older that I realized that parenting is not synonymous with molding. They are their own person. They are their own individual. They are a mixture of me, their father, and life. The best way to guide children is to be an example of what you want them t...