I don't even have a conclusion for 2014
I don't know what it means either. I used to write a wrap-up at the end of the year and reflect on what I learned about me and how I've grown and how my perspective had evolved. Nothing is coming to mind and nothing has come to mind recently when I thought about writing this blog. Fact: I'm on the other side of transition. I broke the ceiling that was in between me and my next level. Now I just have to unlock the door to climb the stairs. Fact: I'm single again. I know I'm a different woman because I don't feel like it's a terrifying position to be in at 40 years old. I like meeting new people and I'm looking forward to creating a beautiful experience in my love life next go round. Fact: I am no longer angry. I'm no longer irritated or irritable. I'm more aware of my feelings, my triggers, and my self-imposed obstacles. I am no longer angry. Fact: This is the most peaceful I have ever been in my entire life. 2014 was a blur for me. ...