Woooooo chile. I'm over here going through my finances. I used the budget tool on my banking website and am a little shocked at seeing what I thought I already knew. It's something about seeing your spending in a pie chart that jump starts some thangs in your life. JUST ME? Oh ok. WELL HONEY....it's something about seeing my spending in a pie chart that jump starts some thangs in my life. I said a few months ago that a lot of my disposable income goes to food. I! WAS! NOT! LYING! And from this, I decided to do things a little differently starting next year. I have a financial goals that I realized weren't on paper. A couple of them were and they were manifested. They were small goals and they were goals that I achieved. The ones that were in my head never manifested. AND GUESS WHERE THEY ARE GOING?? *grabs an ink pen* I'm excited and encouraged about what this is going to look like in 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and a year. I didn't spend 2015 in the same ...