
Showing posts from January, 2017

Drama...Stress...and Chaos....OH MY

I realized today that depression is creeping up on me. Even though it's not a crippling or debilitating version of it, it's taking its toll on me. I noticed it around Day 5 of 365 . The happiness, euphoria, and motivation that started mid-December are declining. So I'm sitting here trying to figure out what happened. Was it something specific that happened? Is this PMS? Am I dehydrated? Are there things that are bothering me or worrying me that I'm not completely aware of? Have I experienced an overt or subtle change? Am I getting enough of the right kinds of foods? Is something unresolved? Is someone bothering me? WHAT IS GOING ON?  I realized that I'm in an ebb and it became especially clear to me when I talked to someone about my feelings about some doctor's appointments that I had. While I told myself that whatever the outcome of the visits was, I'd be fine, I didn't consider the emotions leading up and immediately after to the visits. I didn...

When Feeling Inadequate is Actually Appropriate

I woke up this morning feeling a little blah. A quick check of my social media accounts led to me feeling inadequate about my current situation with respect to my business and brand ventures. I had to dig deep to process and figure out why the feeling was able to creep up on me. *this is where I get real with myself and you get to watch* Most of what I've "accomplished" in terms of any kind of business or branding effort is now being re-evaluated. I was one of the people who had an idea and got excited about the idea of executing the idea. Then after the idea was executed, I wondered why the "success" of the idea never really reached its full potential. I measured success by the amount of people I could get to support. I went through the motions like a lot of people do. I expected my friends and family to show up to support me. I pouted and took to social media with vents when they didn't. I couldn't understand why people wouldn't flock to this...