Why I Don't Like Advice From My Social Media Friends
This post has been a long time coming. It's been bubbling up inside of me for about a year or so and I was finally able to turn off the heat and let the waters cool so that I could express what I needed to say without fire. Cuz I don't want to give off fire. So yeah. I'm not sure that there's a "nice" way to say to people that you don't want their advice. I'm guilty AF at offering advice to people who didn't ask for it. Those people are my people though. My kids. My friends. My family members. For some of them *cough....my kids.....cough*, they don't want my advice. They don't want me to fix it. They really just wanted me to listen. We still struggle with this. If you preface the conversation with "I need to get something off my chest" I know how to hold my tongue and open my heart and my ears. The part of me that "needs" to fix things goes off to her quiet little corner and does something else. BUT....if the convers...