
Showing posts from 2010

We wear the mask

So there's some energy floating around in my circle and I'm choosing to react to it. In my reaction, I'm trying my best to keep the role I played in the situation in the forefront of my mind. I'm no angel. I don't claim to be one. I do things that leave me shaking my head at myself more than I want to a lot of times. In striving for perfection of my being, I understand that I am human.  And to be "only good" is actually not even a goal of mine at this point in my life because I'm not sure that THAT is real. I'm striving to accept ALL OF ME and not try to force myself to be someone I'm not. I watch people though. And while I understand that it's important to respect everyone on their private journey to whatever wholeness goal they do or don't've developed this hypersensitivity to hypocrisy. I learned a little while back that I was one of the biggest hypocrites I knew. Rules applied to everyone else except me. I was...

2011 Advice

MY ADVICE TO ALL MY GIRLS: In 2011, Leap and the net will appear ....but just in case it doesn't...make sure you have on SOMETHING CUTE for us to bury you in when you hit the ground!

When I look in the mirror, I SEE ME

I had a conversation with a guy today about insecurity. Like everybody else, I've struggled with feelings of insecurity. I feel like I've made huge strides in my attempts to reconcile that part of my personality. I have a certain person to thank for pushing me into a place where I could no longer run and hide from those feelings. For the majority of my life until a few years ago, I suffered from deep rooted feelings of inadequacy. There was always someone prettier. There was always someone smarter. There was always someone who could do what I did and make it look easier. There was always someone who was who I wanted to be. And growing up, it seemed like every person I knew had a least ONE thing about them that caused me to question my inherent right to exist and be happy about who I was and the fact that I was here. My very first long term relationship put every insecurity I had in my face. I wanted to run. I wanted to shut down. I wanted to ignore it. I just wanted them to g...

So the countdown begins....or keeps going...whichever you prefer

For those in the know and those OUT of the know, I'm in the process of actualizing and manifesting my dreams in 2011. There are about 8 ventures that I would like to accomplish between now and 2016. Actually 9 with the birth of this blogspot. My impatient inner child wants to play with all my toys all at once. I understand that I need to clean my room though. I'm on vacation this week and so dream/venture #1 (which doesn't really mean it's #1, it just means it next) is my BlogTalk Radio station. It's called.....*drumroll* The Evolution of Perspective......dun dun dun dun.....*cymbal clash* I use the moniker E.Volve in what I'm doing because I feel like that's what I'm doing. I'm evolving and have been for quite some time now. I just became FULLY AWARE of the evolution about 6 months after the growing pains of a relationship beat the brakes off my ego. I realized and began to accept that my experience in this life is so much bigger than me and I hav...

Love slipped from my lips, dripped down my chin, and landed in my lap

and just when u think that u aren't sure of your answer, it falls into ur lap. When it falls, it lands with such force that u can no longer claim 2 b unaware. So what do u do? U take the answer & become friends with it & treat it like you would ANY GREAT FRIEND. Make room for it & help it 2 see that its presence is accepted. Today, I will become friends with all of the answers I've received in the last 24 hours. Welcome to Section 27 of my 15 minutes of fame on the world wide web.  I make no promises except that I will spell everything correctly. LOL.