Making my very own Prince Charming
If I took all the good qualities from the frogs that I've kissed in my day, I think I could put together a wonderful collage and end up with my Prince Charming. *No disrespect to the frogs* With each kiss, I found myself moving closer and closer to my ideal, but it seemed like there was always something that was missing. Either he possessed the charm, but lacked knowledge. Or he possessed knowledge, but lacked emotional intelligence. If he was emotionally intelligent, he didn't look like my prince. If he looked like my prince, he lacked the mentality of him. It takes a lot of talent to find men over and over who come close to what I was looking for in a mate. It takes a lot more talent to to try to build with them. Or is that foolishness? Tomato, to MAH toe!!! Thinking about my most recent experiences, I've come to realize AGAIN that there is something strange working in this subconscious mind of mine that compels me make choices that lead to suffering. All these men have been unavailable in one way or another. As much as I claim to not want to be alone, here I am...running on an almost full tank of gas with no destination. One of these days, I'm going to wake up and realize that sitting still and building my house of love are great things. One of these days, I'm going to stop justifying having frogs on speed dial so that I can "learn these life lessons". One of these days, I'm going to resist the impulse to kiss and put my lip gloss away. One of these days, I'm going to remember that fairy tales are for books and not for my real life or my heart. If it's damn near impossible for a man to turn a hoe into a housewife, why would I even consider believing that I (in all my womanly glory) can turn a frog into a prince? How about I just keep my eyes open for what it is that I'm looking for and stop believing that a struggle comes in the beginning of the relationship? Love is the reward for the find not for the struggle.
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