Going to the hardware store for bread.......

Ellen Gee, girl, you are crazy. They don't sell bread at the hardware store. 

OH I KNOW. I'm just sitting here trying to figure some things out. I'd posted on social media recently that I don't expect decency from indecent people. I meant it when I said it too. Who was I talking about specifically? Mostly the media. Mainstream, white media. I was thinking about other people too but mostly referring to them.

Here's a thing that's on my wishlist for 2016:

1. Black people stop expecting non-black people to tell black stories the way black people would tell black stories. ANYWHERE. EVERYWHERE. JUST STOP.
a. they don't share our experiences or perspectives
b. they don't seem to care about the truth our experiences or perspectives

If you don't like somebody, when you talk about them, do you paint them in an accurate, positive light?
If you don't know somebody, when you talk about them, can you paint them in an accurate, positive light?

If you answered "yes" to either of these questions, welcome to where Unicorns dwell. 

This expectation that we have that people with a limited scope of vision to tell full, robust stories of our experience just seems soooooooo wack to me. In a perfect world, they would. BUT IN a perfect world, we wouldn't rely on them to tell our stories. We'd be able to broadcast them ourselves. I mean, if we want to be REAL, we can already do that. BUT WE DON'T. We keep looking to them to "get it right". It's kinda pathetic. NOT US. The expectation.

We keep waiting for Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC, XYZ, 123 to get it right. We can't see that they have little to no desire to appeal to us. SHIT. They aren't even talking to us. They don't air what they air FOR US. They are speaking to a whole nutha group of people who don't look ANYTHING like us.

So while we're adding to their ratings, they continue to ignore our pleas to "speak for us" in ways that help to humanize us. That is so demoralizing to me. IONNO MAN. I see the benefit of sharing accurate and positive narratives for sure, but I learned some pretty hard lessons about trying to make people see value you in when they see none. In my personal experience, I pull my time, attention, resources, etc away from things that no longer value me OR when I learn they don't. Yeah, it can be a slow, steady, painful process to do so. But for me, it's been rewarding. I AM TOO PROUD TO BEG. I'd much rather reserve my energy for fighting for things I CAN CHANGE.

And I ain't met a white person in power who hated black people and permanently changed their mind about us because a black person attempted to appeal to their "humanity" YET. Maybe we think if we keep saying it over and over and over things will finally sink in. IONNO.

I'm not trying to find out.


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