Relationship rant #297 - Insanity is the root of relationship evil...or failure...

While I appreciate you all for reading this, please note that this post is for ME even though it's about YOU....I need to hammer a nail into a coffin so excuse me while I get my bang on.....

Once you know what you want...and more importantly what you need, when you look at your current situation and see that it's neither of the two, how long does it take for you to make a clean break and move forward? I feel like I'm losing my mojo. I've had so many conversations today that were about relationships and relating and my head is spinning. I'm doing a show about healthy relationships and did one already about intimate relationship abuse. Nobody wants to admit that their relationship is unhealthy and nobody minus ten wants to admit that he/she is being abused in a relationship.

People are always talking about how we're jumping ship in our relationships...about how nobody is in it for the long haul. I definitely call bullshit on that statement because those people are using 1950 standards for relationships in 2011 and that just won't cut it. Things were much different back then. Hell, most of the people who say it weren't even a tingle in their dad's sack so they don't know what it was like. They only have an inkling of the perception of the reality for those relationships. So I don't trip when they start talking about how their grandparents stayed together for 77 years. Grandma and pop-pop didn't have the options we have today. Grandma and pop-pop also seemed to have taken more time choosing a lifemate.

People get together and begin to form a relationship that's built on some of the most assinine things today....... things that could have worked back then but don't make nearly as much sense with all the options and opportunities we have today. I think if we took the time to really get to know a person...on a personal and human level before we even "dated" them, we might last longer. We probably wouldn't even TRY to get into a relationship with them because we'd realize that we aren't compatible with them enough for one. I'm no data analyzer. This is PURELY speculation. I do know though that being blinded by greed & lust and possessing an insatiable desire to be admired (or worshipped) by another human being seems to be a motivational factor for a lot of relationships today. Why wouldn't you expect the relationship to fail? We keep secrets, aren't honest about who we are, and don't even understand what a good relationship is supposed to look like. Why wouldn't we expect the relationship to fail? Some of us can't relate in person. Some of us can't relate in cyberspace. Some of us can't relate in EITHER place. Why wouldn't we expect our relationships to fail?

Because we're insane. I hope you don't mind me calling you crazy. In my eyes, everyone is crazy until proven sane.....and definitely NOT the other way around. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Look at your relationship patterns and tell me that you're not insane. THOUGHT SO!

Enjoy your day!

*disclaimer* I wasn't angry or frustrated when I wrote this. I was trying to pass the time and *looks at the clock* IT DIDN'T WORK


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