I think collectively we believe that life is supposed to be about struggle and pain. We're taught very early that our Creator in human form died so that we could live. There is something very perverse and disturbing to me about the idea that God had to die so that we could experience life.

*sidenote* I watched a documentary called The Business of Being Born and in it the American childbirth method was discussed. The documentary touched on how American medicine makes childbirth painful, unnecessarily comfortable, and more difficult than it needs to be. The degree to which women "suffer" to bring forth life is essentially elevated. While I will agree that a lot of women experience a LOT OF SUFFERING to bring forth life, I do not believe this is what nature intended but I won't go into that for the sake of not contradicting myself more than I already have. *end sidenote*

Most of us, I believe, do not subscribe to the notion that we are worthy simply by virtue of the fact that we exist. We feel like we need to "do" something in order to have value. I think we need to "do something" with our lives to give IT value but I don't not believe that we should have to "DO" anything in order for US to have value as individuals. Somehow I think we got those notions mixed up, blended them, and left ourselves with the idea that we are unworthy of love, support, and everything else wonderful that life has to offer because we haven't earned it. I look around and I see it all over the place. I see it in music, television, and writings. I hear it in conversations. I see it everyday in Facebook status updates. Our thinking is distorted and the distortion is rotting away the core of our beings. We don't operate from a place of love. We operate mostly from fear....the fear that we are not good enough. We operate from the fear that we aren't attractive enough, smart enough, wealthy enough, connected enough, etc etc. We minimize our talents as so not to make ourselves appear boastful about the gifts we have manifested through our hard work and experiences. We covet the possessions of those close to us because we do not believe that there is enough goodness in the world to go around....let alone get to our space and stay there.

I've read before that love and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Why would I choose fear more often than love? It's because I don't believe in the goodness the world has to offer me. I don't truly believe in happiness, my own or another's. I can claim to want a good life, but when presented with the opportunity to have one I make excuses or even worse....sabotage my opportunities for happiness.

I've been operating from a place of anger (which is rooted in fear) for a very long time now. I try hard to combat it and break the mental cycle that keeps me doing things, connecting with people, and living in situations that reinforce a need to suffer. Whatever core belief I have that causes me to feel like I need to suffer needs to be destroyed because I'm allowing it to prevent me from living life. And that's what I was BORN to do. LIVE LIFE WITH LOVE! We all were. As long as you're alive, your experience is destined to be a pleasurable one. Besides, who wants to be around angry, negative chick all the time? I know I don't. She has to G! O! and get lost STAT!


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