Bored with Being Human
I am thoroughly bored with being human. I'm tired of dealing with my kind. I'm definitely changing. I'm not fascinated by the shiny things and with people right now. And it's not that life is not exciting. It's not that life has even changed very drastically. I think that I've just had my fill of the experiences that I've had for the last 41 years. I think....scratch that, I know that I am absolutely sick of the lowly aspects of humanity. I find myself shrinking and pulling back from participating in them. They don't feel the same. They don't give me the same "thing" that I got from it before. Gossiping ain't fun no more. Every time I do it, I know that I'm putting horrible energy into the atmosphere. I'm contributing to more bowl chit. Laughing at people's fuggups ain't interesting to me anymore. I haven't become super serious. I do understand personal pain a little bit differently though. Being uninsp...