
Showing posts from 2013

10/23/2013 Evolution of Perspective on Blog Talk Radio Episode

Discover Entertainment Internet Radio with Ellen Gee on BlogTalkRadio

Red light means stop

I hope that this helps someone. I hope that someone will read this and think twice about what I'm about to write. I hope that someone will ingest these words and modify their perspective on their actions and beliefs. Walk with me....... 1. If a woman is interested in you, unless she's uncomfortable (or another reason I can't imagine so I won't attempt to articulate right now but will acknowledge that it exists), she will let you know. If you're unaware of the signals a woman can and will give off, study women more, talk to them, and/or read a book. 2. Women will make eye contact with you for a few reasons. One of those reasons is she's interested. That is NOT the only reason. Don't assume it's the only reason. 3. Women will smile at you for a few different reasons. One of those reasons is she's interested. That is NOT the only reason. Don't assume it's the only reason. 4. Following behind a woman who already indicated (verbally or no...

That awkward moment when you realize that you're WAY more negative than you claimed you weren't

Moments I realized I was a Debbie Downer and a Negative Nancy 1. Whenever anyone talked to me about a plan they had that I just couldn't see being brought to fruition I called myself playing the devil's advocate but the fact of the matter is, it's not my job to critique your plan of action unless you ask me to. You just wanted me to listen right? So I'll listen and keep my commentary to myself. I can't see and know everything and it's not my job to. THE END

One step toward.......

Think in terms of abundance they say. Practice focusing on what you do want they say. Abundance is all around. Lack does not exist. I have everything I need at my disposable. All I have to do is be willing to see it. I have to believe I deserve it. I have to. My livelihood depends on it. And I can do this from a place of love and not fear. It’s a challenge…but in a good way. It’s a challenge to manifest the life that I want. There is no losing in that. There’s only winning. It’s time to go inward to rebuild. It’s time to tear down old belief systems. Do something different today. I can do that. One step toward it. Two steps towards me. That’s how it works right? I make an effort and believe and I start to get the life I want.     Can’t is so limiting. So I’m sitting here listening to Carolyn Malachi’s new project Gold. The song Beautiful Dreamer caused me to pause to listen. I heard the song before. I even had the pleasure of watching her performing it live. But...

Girl meets Boy

I met a guy once before. He was broken. He showed me how broken I was. I thought it was his fault. I met a guy once before. He was broken. He showed me how broken I was. I thought it was my fault. I met a guy once before. He wasn't as broken. He showed me how broken I was. I wanted to cry. I met a guy once before. He hid his brokenness. He couldn't show me my own. I couldn't figure it out. I met a guy once before. He was broken. He showed me how broken I was. I ignored the brokenness. I met a guy once before. He was broken. He showed me how broken I was. I tried to fix him. I met a guy once before. He was broken. He showed me how broken I was. Now I'm trying to fix myself. be continued....

You think you know but you have no idea

I hear the word "fraud" thrown around a lot in 12-step program meetings. People are concerned with being or behaving like a fraud. They are aware of the disconnect between their actions and their intentions. They understand how it can be confusing to people. *disclaimer* I have no method to the madness right now *end disclaimer* When I entered therapy for the first time, he asked me what my goal was. What I wanted to do was bridge the gap between who I was and who I knew I could be. I've been trying to do that ever since. The problem I see today is that who I know I can be feels like a fantasy. It feels like I'm striving for a God goal. My personality disorder doesn't leave a lot of room for me to be real. I either have to be perfect or accept that I am going to fuckitup. And that's confusing for me. *I'm losing all train of thought and connection to my intention right now*  LE SIGH I've been on a mission to reconcile my personality for a lon...

Woah woah woah woah feelings.

I'm struggling to find a place to start so I'm going to just type that and see where this goes. I know what I'm trying to say....I think. I want to talk about how my mind feels like a trap for my feelings. I want to talk about how my feelings bum rush my mind's door because they're trying to get out. They need to get out. They need to be acknowledged. They need to be validated. Or at least that's what they believe. Some of them are siblings. Hurt and pain look a lot alike. Some of them are distant relatives. Pain and frustration know each other and hang out some time. I picture the feelings moving around bumping into each other in my head. And when one finds an opening, they all rush to get out. Sometimes they all get stuck at the opening. Sometimes two or three of them make their way out. Sometimes the ones that make their way out don't match. So I'm stuck trying to figure out which one to give the mic to. I sometimes give the mic to the wrong one and...

What healing looks like

Peace. Be Still. Joy comes in the morning. It also comes at night......and consistently during the day I had a conversation with a friend and reflected on what I know about fear. It shows up in a number of ways. The most recognizable way for me is not trusting the process. I know that things will always be o.k. for me. The challenge is believing it when faced with things that don't look like "the  process".....the increments, the steps that I don't necessarily want to take. There are lessons of love and healing in the increments, so it makes sense to love that part also. My goal in life is to become a well-balanced person who possesses a well-integrated personality and trusts the process regardless of what it looks like. I found my definition for loving myself.  I posted that this morning on my  Facebook  page. I made a decision today that FOR TODAY, I would not let fear consume me. Today, I would not let it overcome me. I would replace a fearful thought with trust...

When music won't soothe the savage beast......

I'm struggling with something right now. I'm not saying that because I'm trying to rally the troops or because I'm asking for help. I really don't want any help. What I want is to be able to sit with this shit and learn how to deal with it. The problem with having problems is that I always feel like I need to DO something to solve them. The problem with having feelings is that I don't always feel obligated to feel them. I really would just like to be able to DEAL right now. I'm sure everyone struggles with finding common ground to rest on for their Self regularly. Maybe yall don't. I don't fucking know, but I know I can't be the only one. That wouldn't EVEN be my life. I keep coming back to my choices. I keep coming back to the raw reality that there's something way down deep inside of me that has a habit of  doing broken person shit. I'm afraid of accepting it because I feel like that says something about me. But in the same breath...

Mercury in Retrograde and My Crazy - short n sweet

So I thought I was going to be able to slide right through this Mercury Retrograde with ease and poise. I'm not sure why I thought I was going to be able to do that. I think I got 5 days in before the crazy began to occur. The say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I'm going to need someone to define "same". Because it feels like I'm doing something different and it feels like I'm doing things differently. I'm really wanting something different because the same shit in a different stall got old a long time ago. That is all for now

What I'm finished with on this Summer Solstice

I'm not here for relationships that are not authentic anymore. I have no intention on showing up for them and I have no interest in maintaining them. The month of June has, so far, granted me the opportunity to test the waters of authenticity in some of my connections. For this I am thankful. People have presented to me in what looked like very sincere ways but my intention knows otherwise. My inner self is aware of ulterior motives and the lack of authenticity at all times. My issue was that I chose to ignore what I knew deep inside. And all I did was postpone the inevitable. So what I'm learning about (and have been learning about) is prevention and forgiveness. And what I'm learning is that I don't have to practice forgiveness if I practice prevention. I'm also learning about blessing people away. I used to disconnect with a lot of malice and ill-will towards people. I realized that it's very harmful for myself and their energy to do this. I can be mad beca...

The men I know - An honest look at Father's Day

A few days ago, I posted a couple of status updates on Facebook about Father's Day. The first one was filled with sarcasm. The second one contained my thoughts about the issues I see regarding Father's Day. Too often, I see two very different extremes and a few variations with the men I know in regard to how they interact with their children. I see the absent (but I won't tell anyone I'm not around because I know better than to do that) fathers and I see the fathers who struggle to develop a relationship with their children (because, from their mouths, the mothers make it very difficult for them to maintain a stable, consistent relationship with their kid). In between, I see the drop-in dads, the child support only fathers, the come around on special occasion dads, the in-the-trenches-with-the-kids fathers, the no-person-on-this-earth-will-stop-me-from-seeing-and-loving-my-kids father, men taking care of other people's children, and the dreaded start-another-family-...

When I'm not willing to lose to win

In case you haven't heard, Fantasia has a new song called Lose To Win. The song is a very personal testimony to a situation I can relate to. And it reflects a theme in my life that I've been trying (albeit not as hard as I could) to rid myself of. I talk a lot about trusting the process and going with the flow, but I notice in my day-to-day life, I haven't made these things part of my experience. I know them in theory. I occasionally practice them. I've grown to be able to be very honest with myself about most things I know about me. I know my shortcomings and I know my  good qualities. One of my shortcomings is the inability to be willing to lose to win sometimes when it matters most. I've been told that love and fear can not occupy the same space. If that is true, I admit that I operate a lot of times from a place of fear. I'm concerned with not being good enough. And while I understand that my experience is normal for a lot of people, that doesn't dec...