A few days ago, I posted a couple of status updates on Facebook about Father's Day. The first one was filled with sarcasm. The second one contained my thoughts about the issues I see regarding Father's Day. Too often, I see two very different extremes and a few variations with the men I know in regard to how they interact with their children. I see the absent (but I won't tell anyone I'm not around because I know better than to do that) fathers and I see the fathers who struggle to develop a relationship with their children (because, from their mouths, the mothers make it very difficult for them to maintain a stable, consistent relationship with their kid). In between, I see the drop-in dads, the child support only fathers, the come around on special occasion dads, the in-the-trenches-with-the-kids fathers, the no-person-on-this-earth-will-stop-me-from-seeing-and-loving-my-kids father, men taking care of other people's children, and the dreaded start-another-family-...